Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Unseen Poetry

The unseen poetry benefited me. By learning all the different terms use in Literature such as Alliteration and Simile, i have learnt how to understand what the message the poem is trying to send to us so that we could answer the question

Romeo & Juliet

Since i have not tried acting before, this is a great opportunity. However, i found out that not only do you need to concentrate on only the acting, we also need to know where we stand, how we are going to play with our props. When we are making the props, we face a lot of difficulties such as where we shoud get our material from.

The thing that i like about Romeo and Juliet play is that i get to get alot closer to my friends and i also found out that teamwork is very important if u want to complete all the task. We almost went around most part of Singapore to buy the item, we also went around the blocks to collect cardboards.

What i learnt from this play is that procrastination will lead to great problems! Few of our members did not memorise the lines and during the rehearsal, we did not do very well and one of the members even cried(i do not want to say the name).